We inspire, promote,
and preserve
home education in Idaho

We protect, promote,
and preserve
home education
in Idaho
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Homeschool Idaho has been empowering parents to educate their children at home for almost thirty years. We have answers to your homeschool questions!
Idaho Law
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School Choice
We’ve been studying the issue for over a decade.
We have partnered with BJU Press to offer private testing to homeschoolers.
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Refundable Education Tax Credits: School Choice Panacea or Recipe for Big Trouble?
The failure of SB 1038 in February, 2023, made it clear that any school choice legislation of the scale envisioned by SB 1038 wouldn’t pass muster. The ask was too big, the costs too high, the unknowns too great. School choice proponents tried again in 2024, with a...
How to Find Free or Low-Cost Homeschool Resources
There are many ways to find free or low-cost homeschool resources. A successful homeschool does not have to be expensive. Homeschooling is a way of life that returns the freedom of education to parents! It sets us free from the mindset of dependence on government...
How To Make Homeschool Friends in Idaho!
By Johanna Ireland Homeschooling, contrary to the tired stereotype, is usually even more "social" than traditional schooling methods! Most homeschooled kids have social skills unmarred by the age-segregated, peer-driven microcosm of public education. They are as...