Following Where God Leads



Following Where God Leads

June 6-8, 2024        Meridian, ID

Walking in Freedom

It happens to all of us: whether we’ve been homeschooling for 20 minutes or 20 years, we can become stuck with uncertainty and doubt. But the good news is that freedom is greater than fear.

Whether you’re just thinking about taking the plunge or have years of experience, you have tremendous freedom in educating your children at home.

Most importantly, you have the freedom to follow where God leads.

The Homeschool Idaho Convention is a vibrant gathering of home educators. We bring in expert speakers with change-your-life messages and exhibitors with passion and knowledge to equip and empower you on your homneschool journey.

Join us and hundreds of other homeschooling families at Treasure Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, Idaho, as we gather together to walk in freedom!

Thursday, June 6

Outdoor Curriculum Resale Event 
Shop directly from homeschoolers!

Friday, June 7

Relevant workshops, inspiring speakers, targeted shopping, life-giving fellowship.

Saturday, June 8

More inspiration, increased vision, and practical steps to help you walk in freedom!

Full workshop schedule now available!

2024 Convention Registration

2024 Speakers

Karen DeBeus

Author, Speaker, Podcaster

Megan Scheibner

Author, Speaker, Blogger

Dr. Steve Scheibner

Pastor, Pilot, Parenting Coach

From meaningful heart messages to practical tools, you’ll be equipped and encouraged by the relevant workshops presented by authentic speakers. Choose from 34 different sessions presented by experts who desire to equip you to walk in freedom.

Exhibitor list now available!

Exciting Children’s Programming

The 2024 Homeschool Idaho Children’s Program will include a series of adventurous experiences with hands-on learning. There are two separate children’s programs: Novice Newtons for children aged 5-8, and Emerging Einsteins for children aged 9-11.

Teen Program

We invite your teen to participate in our World Changers Leadership Training Program.
The speakers, activities, and service opportunities are enjoyable and meaningful, but the true significance of this experience lies in the community and friendships forged along the way.

Curriculum Resale Event

Open-air Shopping. Exploring Curriculum. Meeting new Friends. Saving Money. It’s a homeschool mom’s perfect day!

This is a cash-only sale, with buyers shopping directly from homeschool families. If you are coming to shop, please feel welcome to bring wagons, strollers and rolling book bins for the items that you purchase.

Interested in selling your homeschool materials? Participating as a seller gives you access to a 1-hour presale, making it easy for you to shop, trade, barter, and bundle!

Convention FAQs

Do I need to pre-register?

Online pre-registration is open through Saturday, May 25th and will save you $10. You are welcome to register at the door for a cost of $65, spouses always attend free.

I pre-registered, but I need to add my spouse/teen/child. Can I edit my registration?

No problem! You may make additions to your registration online. To add your spouse, teen, or child, you must first be logged into your Homeschool Idaho account.

You may pre-register your spouse by clicking here, or your spouse may simply register at the door. There is no charge for spouses to attend the Homeschool Idaho Convention.

To add a child to Novice Newtons (ages 5-8) or Emerging Einsteins (ages 9-11), or to add a teen to the World Changers Leadership Training Program,  click here. Remember, all children and teens must be pre-registered, and space is limited.

I pre-registered, but now cannot attend. Can I get a refund?

We will miss seeing you in person! Registration is non-transferable and non-refundable.

You can rest assured that your paid fees will help Homeschool Idaho promote, protect, and preserve home education.

I see "Curriculum Meet & Greet" on the schedule. What is that?

This workshop series seeks to bring curriculum that we have rarely seen to our Idaho convention.  Each workshop will have a theme and will begin with a brief introduction to a specific subject. This introduction will be followed by a hands-on look at three different curriculums associated with that model. Many will be shown by an Idaho homeschool parent who is experienced with its use, and who can answer your questions. At the conclusion of the workshop, the books will be placed in our silent auction where they can go home with the highest bidder.

Can I shop the Exhibit Hall without attending the full convention?

Sure! Some of the finest homeschool curriculum publishers and resource providers will be gathered in one place to help you compare and shop. Many exhibitors offer convention specials.

A free Exhibit Hall Only Pass is available on site Saturday, June 8th from 10 AM to 1 PM. The Exibit Hall is located in the gymnasium of Treasure Valley Baptist Church.

Will the sessions be recorded?

We are excited to offer digital downloads of convention recordings.

Support Homeschool Idaho by purchasing digital recordings of the 2024 Homeschool Idaho Convention. Each purchase helps fund our year-round efforts to Inspire, Promote & Preserve home education in Idaho.

Find more information on recordings by clicking here.

What about food?

Red Robin Gourmet Burgers will be on site with a select lunch menu on both Friday and Saturday! A portion of their proceeds will be donated to Homeschool Idaho. Our own concessions stand will offer breakfast items, light snacks, and beverages. There is an outdoor grassy area and a picnic shelter where you can enjoy eating lunch with your family. On Saturday morning we will be blessed by the presence of Double Decker Espresso, so come prepared to enjoy beverages from a business owned and operated by a homeschool family. Long & Livermore Real Estate Group will host free cookies, coffee, and iced tea on Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. You’ll also find many restuarants near the convention.

What is the Silent Auction?

Homeschool Idaho’s only annual fundraising event is our silent auction. This year it will look a little bit different. It will contain primarily the items donated for the Curriculum Meet and Greet workshops, as well as some vendor donated items. We will also host a raffle for some large gift baskets. Raffle tickets may be purchased from the Homeschool Idaho table in the foyer of the main church, as well as from the Silent Auction area. Once raffle tickets are purchased, they should be placed in the container for the gift basket you would most like to win. The winning tickets will be pulled during Saturday’s final keynote session and the baskets must be picked up locally within a week of the convention, or hopefully at the convention.They cannot be mailed.

What time do I check my children/teens in/out of their programs?

Check in for Children and Teens 8:15-9:00 AM
Check out for lunch: 11:30 AM
Check in after lunch: 1:15 PM
Check out at end of day: 5:30-5:45 PM

Children must be checked in and checked out by a parent. Let’s keep them safe!

Teens must be initially checked in but do not need to be checked out. 

Can I bring children who are not enrolled in the Children's Program?

 We welcome nursing babies and toddlers to attend with parents. We ask that children not take seats until after a workshop begins and then only if there is room. We do not want to turn away adults from a workshop because children are taking up the seats. We do not want any adult to miss the vital information conveyed in workshops. Also because our workshops are being recorded we ask that you step out if your baby becomes loud.

Why should I become a member of Homeschool Idaho?

Homeschool Idaho works year round to protect the rights of Idaho homeschool families.  This involves building relationships with legislators as well as monitoring all legislative bills, analyzing them and communicating important issues to our members. We host an annual Legislative Day, and are very thankful for the many homeschool families who participate with us.

Be Equipped and encouraged to homeschool

The most important work you’ll ever do!

Teaching our children and helping them be all they were created to be is a complex journey filled with joy and love! 

Do you wonder if you are doing the right thing? Do you ever doubt your own abilities? Or perhaps you’re still deciding whether you want to homeschool.

You are not alone!

Held each year in June, Homeschool Idaho’s Convention is a vibrant gathering designed by homeschoolers for homeschoolers. Our multi-day event brings together authentic speakers with change-your-life messages, and exhibitors with passion and knowledge to equip and encourage you with ideas, strategies, and tools.

Join us and hundreds of like-minded homeschooling families at the Homeschool Idaho Convention.

Let’s walk together in freedom!

Authentic Speakers

Learn from homeschool experts and return home and walk your homeschool journey with renewed energy, vision, and purpose!

Relevant Workshops

From meaningful heart messages to practical tips, you’ll be equipped and encouraged.

Exhibit Hall

Talk face-to-face with publishers and explore curriculum options.

Curriculum Resale Event

Books, curriculum, resources, games, media, puzzles… you’ll find it all at the Curriculum Resale Event!

Real Community

Enjoy real fellowship and make connections that last a lifetime.

Special Programming for Teens and Children

Students will enjoy age-appropriate programming designed especially for them.

Interested in Exhibiting at the Convention?

We’ve got a page just for you!