Called to Grow

February 22, 2025  |  8:30 AM – 5:00 PM  |  Coeur D’Alene


Registration: $45
Spouses Attend Free!
Teens (14+): $15


Pre-Orders have closed.
Feel free to BYO lunch!


Candlelight Christian Fellowship
5725 N Pioneer Drive
Coeur D’Alene, ID

The first 20 registrants receive a limited-edition tote bag!

On-site registration still available!

Called to Grow!

Tiny seeds, sprouting in soil. A magnificent oak tree, standing the test of time, a tribute to endurance. An unassuming house plant, just existing, and yet making the room better for its existence. These are things that can come to mind when one hears the word grow.

One of the beautiful things about this simple word is that it can have many definitions. It can be something new, or it can be the steady progression of something established. It can be small, or it can be mighty. Growth can look different to each of us, but it is something we should all be doing each day, and something we should be facilitating in our children each day.

Are we working to grow their character through small (or sometimes big) everyday encounters? Are we working to grow their minds through academics? What about the work the Lord is doing in our own hearts, are we growing in patience, self-control, kindness? What about whimsy, imagination, joy?

The categories for potential for growth are too numerous to name, but are all worth pursuing in their appointed time. Our hope this year at the 2025 HINC: Called to Grow is that wherever you are in your homeschooling journey, you will be encouraged, enriched, challenged, informed, but most of all, that you GROW!

Meet Rachael Carman

Rachael and her husband, Davis, own Apologia Educational Ministries, a leading publisher of award-winning, creation-based curriculum for home educators. A mom to seven and “Coco” to three, Rachael is a twenty-six-year homeschool veteran yet is still energized by affirming, encouraging, and equipping the next generation of homeschooling families to answer the call.

A respected speaker and author, Rachael has traveled the world, speaking at conferences, retreats, and teaching God’s Word to parents and children. Her books How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You? and How to Have a HEART for Your Kids are winsome calls for moms to live each day at the foot of His throne.

Dates with her beloved, dark chocolate, afternoon tea, reading a good book, butterfly gardening, beach walking, and bike riding—these are a few of her favorite things. More than anything else, Rachael is passionate about studying the Word of God and challenging and inspiring others to strengthen their faith by deepening their walk with the Lord.

Meet Aby Rinella

Aby is a former public-school teacher turned passionate homeschool mom.  Aby resides in the mountains of the west with her college sweetheart and 3 awesome kids, where they enjoy all things outdoors.

Aby is a writer, speaker, and podcaster, seeking to encourage and inspire parents to prioritize their call in training up their children in God’s Word and to stand on truth in a culture that has lost its foundation.

Aby and her husband are board members of Homeschool Idaho, where they encourage parents and stand for homeschool freedom for Idaho homeschool families.

The Rinella family runs a non-profit, Called Beyond Adventures, where they take families impacted by disability on outdoor adventures, sharing the blessing of family, the value of life, and pointing to our Creator through spending time in His creation.

Conference Schedule

We’re so excited to see you!

8:00 – 8:30 AM

At-the-Door Registration and Pre-Registraiton Check-in

8:30 – 10:00 AM

Keynote Session

10:00 – 10:30 AM

Coffee and Snack Break

10:30 – 11:30 AM


11:30 AM – 1:00 PM


1:00 – 2:00 PM


2:00 – 2:30 PM

Coffee and Snack Break

2:30 – 3:30 PM


3:30 – 4:00 PM

Coffee and Snack Break
Silent Auction Closes

4:00 – 5:00 PM

Keynote Session

At-the-Door Registration opens at 8:00 AM

Spouses attend free!

Conference FAQ’s

Do I need to pre-register?

Online pre-registration is open through Wednesday, 2/12 and will save you $10. You are welcome to register at the door for a cost of $45, spouses attend free.

Can my spouse attend?

Absolutely! There is no charge for spouses to attend. Simply add your spouse to your registration form.

Have you already registered yourself, but need to add your spouse? No problem! Pre-register your spouse by clicking here.

Can I bring my children?

Nursing babies are welcome to attend with their mothers. Childcare is not provided. As this is a time for refreshment for parents, we ask that you please find childcare arrangments for children above nursing age.

Can my teen come with me?

While there is no special programming for teens, we welcome students ages 14+ to attend with their parent(s) at the pre-registration price of $10, or the at-the-door registration price of $15.

Have you already registered yourself, but now want to add your teen? No problem! Add your teen(s) by clicking here

Can I gift the conference to a friend?

Sure thing!

You may pre-register your friend by clicking here

I already registered, but can I now add a spouse/teen/boxed lunch?

Yes! You may add boxed lunches until February 8th by clicking here

Where exactly is the conference located?

The 2025 Homeschool Idaho North Conference will be held at:
Candlelight Christian Fellowship
5725 North Pioneer Drive
Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815
Corner of Hwy 95 and Dalton Ave

What time should I arrive?

The doors open at 8:00 AM for registration check-in.

Is lunch provided?

A delicious boxed lunch will be available with a selection of sandwich wraps, side salads, chips, and a cookie. 

**We recommend purchasing the catered lunch or planning to bring one from home, as the short lunch break will limit options for eating off-site.

If you did not order lunch when initially registering for the conference, but now want to add a boxed lunch, you can do so by clicking here

Do you need any help?

Absolutely! We’re always looking to partner with volunteers. You may indicate on your registration form that you would like to volunteer, or drop us a note at

I registered, but cannot attend. Can I get a refund?

We will miss seeing you in person! Registration is non-transferable and non-refundable.

You can rest assured that your paid fees will help Homeschool Idaho promote, protect, and preserve home education.

Two Great Ways to Shop

Enhance your homeschool by visiting the Sponsor Tables.
Our passionate sponsors are knowledgeable and ready to help you find fresh ideas and vision.

Sponsor Tables

Compare curriculum and resources in person by shopping at our Sponsor Tables. You’ll find that the Sponsors have a great deal of knowledge and expertise. They are happy to answer your questions and assist you in your education journey. 

Silent Auction Fundraiser

We’re so grateful for the generous donations that we receive from businesses and individuals! We appreciate their support in partnering with Homeschool Idaho to inspire, promote, and preserve home education in Idaho.

Questions about the Homeschool Idaho North Conference?

We’d love to hear from you!

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