We inspire, promote,
and preserve
home education in Idaho

We protect, promote,
and preserve
home education
in Idaho
Start Homeschooling
Homeschool Idaho has been empowering parents to educate their children at home for almost thirty years. We have answers to your homeschool questions!
Idaho Law
Learn more about Idaho’s homeschool law.
Convention registration is now open!
The Homeschool Idaho Magazine is printed and mailed quarterly.
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School Choice
We’ve been studying the issue for over a decade.
We have partnered with BJU Press to offer private testing to homeschoolers.
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The Wild and Free Pigs of Okefenokee Swamp
An Old Story About a Modern Problem The Trapper Some years ago, about 1900, an old trapper from North Dakota hitched up some horses to his Studebaker wagon, packed a few possessions ~ especially his traps ~ and drove south. Several weeks later he stopped in a small...
What if I am investigated by a social worker?
Even in a state as free as Idaho, sometimes the unthinkable happens. Sometimes a homeschool family will be reported to the Department of Health and Welfare for educational neglect or other accusations. Whether you are in your first year homeschooling, or are a...
Join us for the 2023 Academic Achievement Study!
Homeschool Idaho has provided private testing to Idaho families for over 30 years. While testing is not required of homeschooled children in Idaho, our strong scores make a convincing argument that homeschooling is an academic success without government control. We...