You keep using the words ‘school choice.’ I do not think it means what you think it means.
Here in Idaho, we already possess a robust right to choose from a wide assortment of education choices for our children. ESA legislation does not provide a single new educational choice, nor does it broaden any of the rights associated with such choices. It does, however, significantly alter the choices and freedom of those who choose to accept ESA funding.
ESA legislation is actually not about school choice at all! It is about school choice funding. Who should be required to pay for my choice? Proponents believe that the taxpayer should foot the bill. Rather than broadening the rights associated with these private choices, accepting the funding would limit homeschool rights and choices to those offered by the government (single-payer system.) One does not gain the benefits of choice by limiting choice!
Parents who choose to enroll their child in a private school, or who choose to homeschool, are not forced to do so. They have chosen their education method, and they have made that choice knowing that it means they are financially responsible for the bills associated with that choice.
When a parent demands tax support what they are really asking is for someone else, essentially all of their neighbors, to pay for their choice. They are helping school districts to qualify for greater tax revenue, thereby increasing everyone’s tax burden, forcing others to pay for the bulk of their child’s “free” activities.
Increasing tax funds for schools will simply increase the funding for every ill-advised policy and questionable social goal, while doing nothing to address the increasing cost of education, the record of poor outcomes, or any of the other problems that plague public schools.
Please check out ID Dispatch ASAP
I have read SB1038 and it has a MYRIAD of issues the main one being that in order to qualify for the money one must be a “qualified school” under Idaho code. Home schools DO NOT REGISTER with the state of Idaho so in order to get the money, my fear is that the legislature would have to create a registry for home schoolers so they can become “qualified”. Talk about a foot in the door for government control! Then the spot audits and annual audits and “proper use” leaves that in the hands of an unelected bureaucrat with the Treasurer or State School Super. Yes, it would have been nice to not have had to pay for BOTH the public system and my own homeschool costs, but I would rather leave it alone than leave ANY ROOM for undoing the freedoms we have here in Idaho to choose the education for our children.
It has been sad to see conservative groups pushing this legislation and ignoring very valid points against ESAs. An ESA expands government into private sector where it doesn’t currently exist. It opens the door for threatening rules (item 6 on the 1038 bill) violations and potential referral to our AG. The claim that an ESA program will create competition is false. Taking a free-market concept and applying it to government subsidies does not work. Tuition for those private schools and classes will go up proportionality with the amount of ESA allocated. This is what has happened in colleges and universities throughout the US. It also happened to us in CA. Homeschool Charters created “competition” in our gymnastics, art, and other enrichment classes. The result was inflation. The class cost more because the teachers knew the school would pay a portion and parents would still be able to pay the amount they previously had been paying. I can go on and on, but this legislation was hardly conservative. It’s time legislators stop rushing these bills and begin listening to the opposing side. Labeling us as aligned with all the left wing groups does nothing to develop this discussion.
ESAs are far from perfect competition, but they’re a fantastic start – and about the best anyone can hope for in a country where the teacher’s unions generally control all legislation around education.
I’m unclear if you folks are leftists spreading FUD or you’re just perfectly happy with letting perfect be the enemy of better.