Legislative Day
Student Displays
Student Displays highlight the unique and varied educational experiences of Idaho’s privately homeschooled students.
February 12, 2025
9:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Capitol Rotunda
700 West Jefferson Street
Boise, Idaho 83702
Planning Your Student Display
Our student displays highlight the interests and pursuits of our students.
A display can be about any school subject that has caught your interest and that has been pursued with passion.
Do you like coding, robotics, other science themes, literature, writing, art, sports, foreign language, outdoor activities?
What are your interests?
We need a wide variety of displays since each legislator will connect with a special interest of their own.
Creating Your Display
Each participant will create their display on a tri-fold board. Include a large title that can be easily read from 10 feet away. Find interesting photos, captions and facts for your board. Bring any pertinent visual aids with you to add interest to your table.
Homeschool Idaho will provide a 6-foot table with a white tablecloth for each student’s display.
Presenting Your Display
Each student must be accompanied by a parent. Students will attend their table from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., with a short lunch break. Students and their accompanying parent should bring a sack lunch from home.
Be prepared to visit with legislators who will likely ask questions about your display. Take this opportunity to get dressed up since you will be spending the day in a professional environment.

Important Details
Parking: It can be challenging to find parking near the capitol. The parking meters are closely monitored, and hefty fines are accrued when they expire.
We recommend parking in the public parking garage on 8th and Bannock. The entrance is on Bannock across from the Banner Bank.
Inside the Capitol
Our capitol building is historic. The elevators are small and sluggish! We suggest you use the beautiful marble stairs!
The rotunda of our capitol is surrounded by a low wall with wide openings, overlooking a 4-story open center. Young children must be very well attended for safety’s sake!
The Legislature is in session during Legislative Pie Day. Be aware that sound carries easily because of the open rotunda.
Meeting Legislators
Our capitol is a formal office environment. Please take advantage of this opportunity to practice etiquette skills like these:
- Walk, don’t run.
- Shake hands firmly, though without inflicting pain.
- Make eye contact when speaking with someone.
- Speak clearly using adequate volume.
- Put on your Sunday best.
- Smile! You will be meeting many potential friends.

Looking to be more involved?
This event is sponsored by Homeschool Idaho,
but we could not do it without the help of families just like yours.
We would love to have you join us this year!
There are five different ways to be participate in Legislative Day: